Where we work.

Transforming lives in the world's hardest places


Since 1995, Global Action has been on the frontlines, providing essential care to the world's most vulnerable children.

Today, your generosity is changing lives across Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America.

The challenges we face.

After nearly 25 years of decline, global poverty is on the rise again. Due to COVID-19, inflation, and conflicts, an additional 85 million people now live in extreme poverty—surviving on less than $1.90 per day.

But there is hope. Together, we're making a difference.


World Poverty Map

Rugazi child
Volunteer feeding program
India education
Ugandan child in clinic

Our focus areas.

Africa: Nourishing bodies and minds


Nourishing bodies and minds.

Across Africa, children face food shortages, conflict, and limited access to education and healthcare. Your support provides:

  • Nutritious meals
  • Quality education
  • Healthcare services
  • Protection programs

Asia & the Middle East

Caring for the most vulnerable.

This region has the highest numbers of orphans and out-of-school children. Your generosity helps us:

  • Support orphans and vulnerable children
  • Combat rising hunger and malnutrition
  • Share God's love with communities in need


Latin America

Building Safer, Stronger Communities

For nearly 30 years, we've been responding to the needs of families affected by poverty, civil wars, and unemployment. Your donations support:

  • Health and nutrition programs for rural households
  • Education initiatives
  • Violence prevention for urban youth

Learn more about our work in Latin America.

How Your Support Transforms Lives
Education  |  Global Action International


You're removing barriers to quality education and equipping youth with skills to break free from poverty.


Give education.

Health  |  Global Action International


Your generosity fights childhood diseases and ensures children grow up healthy and strong.


Give health.

Nourishment  |  Global Action International


You provide nutritious meals and balanced diets, helping children thrive physically and spiritually.


Give nourishment.

Join Our Mission.

Your continued support is crucial. Together, we can create lasting change for children in the world's hardest places.

Hungry children in refugee camp, distribution of humanitarian food

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Ugandan boy

Global Action

Bringing hope, health, and education to the world's most vulnerable children—with your help.