Our Cause.

Transforming Lives, One Child at a Time


The Reality We're Changing

Breaking the cycle of poverty.

Imagine surviving on just $2 a day. For 1 in 6 children worldwide, this isn't imagination—it's reality. They face:

Chronic Hunger.

Struggling to find their next meal.

Inadequate Healthcare.

Vulnerable to preventable diseases.

Limited Education.

Unable to afford school fees or supplies.

Risk of Exploitation.

Forced into child labor or worse.

It is easy to look at child poverty in the world and feel hopeless. But child poverty isn’t an impossible problem.

There is hope.

Together, we can transform lives and create lasting change.

Your Impact:

From Survival to Thriving

With your support, we tackle poverty's root causes, helping children not just survive, but thrive. Here's how:

Refugee Students | Global Action InternationalEducation 

The key to opportunity.

  • Protects against exploitation and child labor
  • Empowers children with knowledge and skills
  • Enlightens orphans and refugees, rebuilding lives and communities

Child Health | Global Action InternationalHealthcare

Building healthy futures.

  • Provides access to essential medical services
  • Saves lives through primary care and health education
  • Nourishes children with balanced nutrition programs
Empowerment | Global Action International


Nurturing tomorrow's leaders.

  • Develops life skills through sports and games
  • Builds leadership via youth-led community project
  • Fosters resilience and problem-solving abilities
Employment | Global Action International

Economic Opportunity

Breaking the cycle of poverty.

  • Cultivates entrepreneurship skills for self-employment
  • Guides career paths aligned with interests and market needs
  • Elevates futures through education scholarships

Because of you, children can experience life in all its fullness (John 10:10)

Your support makes a real, tangible difference in the life of a child.

Will you help today?

Blankets for Orphans


Moving children and families out of poverty changes everything.

Here's how your support makes a difference:

Empowering Girls and Women

Women and girls bear the heaviest burden of poverty. When they rise above it:

  • They reclaim their time and energy
  • They start businesses and improve their communities
  • They take charge of their own futures

Unlocking Education

When children escape poverty:

  • They spend more time in classrooms, not begging or working
  • They gain access to school supplies and uniforms
  • They build foundations for brighter futures

Saving Lives

Poverty kills more people than war, with 43% of these deaths being children under five. Your support:

  • Provides access to clean water and sanitation
  • Delivers medicine and care for the sick
  • Ensures children not only survive, but thrive



Our Approach.

Local partnerships, Global impact.

We collaborate with local churches, orphanages, and ministries to ensure sustainable, culturally-relevant support.

Here's why.

Deep community knowledge.

Local partners understand unique challenges and opportunities.

Long-term relationships.

Established trust enables lasting change.


Years of experience in child care and community development.

Spotlight on our local partners:

Promised Land Ministries, Guatemala

Promised Land Ministries is a Christian organization working around Lake Atitlan, Guatemala, an area with a 74% poverty rate. We work with local churches and short term mission teams promoting education, health, and nutrition. Together, we work to provide an opportunity to break the cycle of poverty. Our programs, feeding, school sponsorship, Promised Land School and the Medical Clinic are the pillars to change lives all rooted in the life and principles of Jesus Christ. Mi Casa Project is a program to prevent illnesses starting at home through home improvements. We host short term mission teams and are open to receive more.

Promised Land Ministries | Global Action International

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Ugandan boy

Global Action

Bringing hope, health, and education to the world's most vulnerable children—with your help.