As I sit down to write this...somewhere in the back of my mind is the song that says, "Don't worry... Be happy." That is not an easy thing to do in the day and age we live. However, let me share a few thoughts with you.
We don't live in a perfect world.
Learn to live with imperfect situations, unresolved issues, and unfulfilled expectations without losing your great spirit.
There's always something that isn't like you want it.
Get happy in spite of this.
As you deal with it, stay happy, not upset.
If the unresolved problem gets you, then it has won.
Stay on top even when it's trying to get you down, and you'll win.
This is living the Christian life at its best.
Staying up in a down situation.
That's leadership.
"Happiness and high performance come to you when you choose to live your life consistent with your highest values and your deepest convictions." - Brian Tracy
Blessings on you and yours,
Dwaine E. Lee
This post is from The Encourager, a series of over 100 emails from Global Action's founder, Dwaine Lee, originally sent between 2005-2010. We believe the words of encouragement are still relevant today. The email above was first sent in October 2005.
A funny and inspirational Ted Talk. With comedy, you not only laugh but you also gain understanding in a unique way. Comedy has a setup and then a punch line. The setup moves the audience in one direction-toward what is expected. The punch line occurs when you change direction and take the audience to the unexpected. This same process can be applied to life. Comedian Michael Jr. shows how to take your life's setups and then change direction in a way that brings fulfillment, revelation, and joy not only to you but also to those around you. Watch here
BONUS TRACKS: Two "Happy" songs to brighten your day
"Happy", by Pharrell Williams (featuring the Minions) |
"Don't Worry, Be Happy" (sung by kids from around the world) |
About Global Action International
We are a global community committed to putting our faith into action by providing help and encouragement to children and families in need.
Global Action for children.
Global Action for orphans.
Global Action for the sick.
Global Action for hope and compassion through Jesus Christ.