"The ultimate competitive advantage lies in an organization's ability to learn and rapidly transform that learning into action." -- Jack Welch, Former CEO, General Electric
Two ears, one mouth equals the communication ratio.
Leaders are learners.
They listen twice as much as they talk.
The more I listen, the less I talk.
The less I talk, the more I listen.
The more I listen, the more I learn.
The more I learn, the fewer mistakes I make!
Today I am listening to people who are positive, uplifting and who have an aggressive interest in life. The books I am reading are those that will influence my life and lead me into greater heights in my ministry and personal life.
Praying God's very best for you and yours.
Dwaine E. Lee
This post is from The Encourager, a series of over 100 emails from Global Action's founder, Dwaine Lee, originally sent between 2005-2010. We believe the words of encouragement are still relevant today. The email above was first sent in August 2005.
Another good read...
In this article by Gemma Leigh Roberts, she writes that, in a working world where the pace of change is faster than ever and the half life of any skill is about 5 years, one of the most important things a leader can do is be a constant learner. She provides three reasons why learning makes us better leaders and helps us steer our teams to success: 1) It drives innovation, 2) It builds great teams, and 3) It makes us resilient. Read on LInkedIn
About Global Action International
We are a global community committed to putting our faith into action.
- Action against hunger.
- Action against poverty.
- Action against injustice.
- Action for hope through Jesus Christ.
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