"Leadership is an art based on simplicity."
Pastor Dean Sweetman
Plans must be simple.
If plans are complicated, and too complex, people fail to see the picture.
The leader must present what people can see!
In a world of 'too much information', you must give simple, clear vision, goals and plans.
The trumpet must be clear for people to respond.
Write, rewrite, and rewrite until you know the message will be clear.
A vision has no point if it is not understood.
A vision is futile if we don't communicate it all the time.
John Wesley practiced preaching to the maids. If they couldn't understand his words or message, what was the point?
Be Blessed,
Dwaine E. Lee
Global Action International
In this short article, Patrick Lencioni, Founder and President of The Table Group, states, "Simple, workable solutions to problems don’t generally provoke magazine cover stories, journal articles in business schools or features on the nightly news. But they do make for successful companies, informed employees and loyal customers." Read Here
In this article by Sally Franklin, she says, "When we put our faith into action, our lives will reflect the life of Jesus. This is what a relationship with Jesus is all about. It may not be easy. But we do not do it alone. If we trust him, if we place our faith in Jesus, he will be with us and he will empower us to do his work – he will make it possible for us to put our faith into action." Read more