"...That He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man....." Paul, Ephesians 3:16
Throughout the Bible, God calls for strength in His servants so that the work of the Kingdom can be done. If the leader is strong, their team and associates will also be strong. Then it is passed on to the people they lead, as well.
The purpose of God demands that we remain strong at every level, physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. We need to grow beyond our limitations. Every leader has needed to rise to higher levels to fulfill their calling.
I love to preach about Joshua. As we follow this man of God in the Bible....he is repeatedly told to be strong as he assumes leadership over Israel.
"The Lord gave this command to Joshua son of Nun: “Be strong and courageous..." (Deuteronomy 31:23)
"Be strong and courageous, because you will lead these people... (Joshua 1:6)
"Be strong and very courageous..." (Joshua 1:7)
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)
Three essential elements of leadership are wisdom, courage, and strength:
Wisdom is to know what to do.
Courage is to do what is right no matter what the consequences.
Strength is the capacity to actually do it, and stick with it until it is done.
That strength comes from God Himself.
May this scripture burn in your hearts today.
"But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, They shall run and not be weary, They shall walk and not faint." - Isaiah 40:31
My friends....keep going forward...and as Winston Churchill said in his famous speech during the Second World War:
"Never give in. Never, never, never, never—
in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in"
God's richest blessing on you and yours,
Dwaine E. Lee
Global Action International